Sérgio Ferro: The Emancipatory Building Site.
Thursday Feb 03
Register for this talk here:
The Translating Ferro/Transforming Knowledges Project (www.tf-tk.com) - together with CSM Spatial Practices - is thrilled to present a new lecture by Sérgio Ferro in his first appearance in the UK, introducing The Emancipatory Building Site.
Join us online for this ground-breaking talk, hosted and chaired by members of the TF/TK team; Silke Kapp (Federal University of Minas Gerais); José Lira (University of São Paulo); Katie Lloyd Thomas (Newcastle University) and João Marcos Joao Marcos de Almeida Lopes (University of São Paulo), including a live Q&A with Sérgio Ferro.
The Brazilian born architect and painter Sérgio Ferro was a professor of architecture and art history at the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo of the Universidade de São Paulo (1962–1970) and then at the École d'architecture de Grenoble (1972–2003) and a member of Arquitetura Nova. His experimental practice, historical research and critical theory, based on Marx, is central for the new field of production studies in architecture, art and design.